Manifestos for 2022 October EGM

Published 24 Oct 2022

Election Details

If you want to vote in the EGM, you need to make sure you have CompSoc membership.

We also allow people to run on the night, if you did not have time to create manifestos.

Dorna Hamed Barghi view manifesto
Maya Copeland view manifesto
First Year Representative
Rongxuan Tian view manifesto
Aidan Cheung view manifesto
Fourth Year Representative
Nobody has run for this position. You can still run on the night! no manifesto has been submitted
Old Person Representative
Siang Jun Teo (tablesaltjen) view manifesto

We hope you think carefully about who you choose to elect tomorrow — please vote based on manifestos and speeches! Note that you may also vote for RON (reopen nominations) for any position. You also need EUSA CompSoc membership.

Election candidates - please remember that if you are running for President, VP, Secretary or Treasurer, your speech may be up to 2 minutes. Other roles have up to 1 minute. If you haven't gotten membership yet, do that now!

See you tomorrow,

CompSoc <3 You!