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CompSoc Academic Families!

We've been working hard to make plans for the upcoming year that accommodate all of you, and part of this plan is to introduce Academic Families (AcFams)!

Academic families is a new joint initiative between Compsoc and the School of Informatics. It will start in the 2024-25 academic year, and we aim to bring together students from all years within the School.

Students in older years will 'adopt' freshers, and it's a great way of helping the community, meeting new people, and having a good time together! Each family will consist of 10 first-year Informatics students and 2 academic parents from the years above (UG2 - UG5). Students will have the opportunity to organise family events, as well as take part in larger events organised by the School of Informatics!

Why be an academic parent?

  • Participate in exclusive social academic family events funded by the School of Informatics!
  • Have 1-on-1 conversations with staff and lecturers about student experience at the School of Informatics
  • Be a voice in shaping the student experience in the School of Informatics
  • Mentor and bond with first year students in their academic and social endeavours
  • Form friendships with fellow academic parents

Spaces are limited, so if this is something that interests you, sign up! Anyone in CompSoc is welcome to join, and you can even propose to your AcFam spouse-to-be!

Have any questions? Reach out to us via [email protected]

CompSoc ❤️ You!