Angus Shaw, Dylan Oshima, Josh Green, Nicholas Lynch, Cameron Sharp, Qais Patankar, Ginte Petrulionyte, Joe Foster, Will Mathewson
Events (upcoming)
- 4 events this month - STMU, CinemAI, AI, Justice, Cyber Security, and the Law, pub crawl
- Year reps can do lecture shoutouts/promoting
Events (potential)
- Inf Ball
- Venue - The Jam House
- Date - 8th April (few days after Honours project deadline)
- End of Year Barbecue
- Could be held on Inf Forum roof
- Should be held on last day of exams (in May) or soon after
- Generally inactive
- Down to Harry (Reeder) and Will to find a more active member
- Will try and get some new workshop events
- Website
- Hoodie section almost done, should be out by end of week
- Codes are ready to send
- Library
- Has been catalogued
- WIll be put in email