Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024


Angus Shaw, Cameron Sharp, Cathal Lynam, Caterina Mrose, Dylan Oshima, Elena Lape, Elizabeth Bell, Elspeth Smith, Ginte Petrulionyte, Joao Maio, Likhita Sai, Lorenzo Martinico, Rikki "Teh Numbers Guy", Rokas Gudavičius, Qais Patankar, Viktorija Lukosiute

Committee roles explanation

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Social Secretary

SIGs explanation

  • LATG
    • Law and Technology Group
    • Recently hosted popular Robotics & Gin & Tonics event
    • Current committee remaining for next year
  • SIGCoin
    • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
    • Working to get started at the moment - communicating with lecturers
  • SIGnet
    • (Computer) Networking
    • Only had monthly meetings so far, but looking to have public events soon
  • SIGWeb
    • Maintaining the website
    • Running events (not much of recently, more in future)
    • Has been dead for a while
    • Harry and Will are only points of contact
    • Disband it
      • Points for
        • It's a dead society
        • Need the cobwebs shaken out
        • They've had final warnings before
      • Points against
        • Unnecessary bureaucracy
        • Will probably just be established again
    • Give them a hard deadline to sort themselves out by

Fresher's Week

  • Typical events
    • Monday - games night
    • Tuesday - Arthur's Seat climb
    • Wednesday - pub crawl
      • Staff have come in previous years - freshers won't know them though
      • Check for overlap with similar societies (MathSoc, PhysSoc)
      • Collaboration, but not in Fresher's
      • Book pubs 3 weeks in advance
    • Saturday - capture the flag
  • Get banners for Societies Fair
    • Banners for SIGs too
  • SIGCoin
    • More academic events - perhaps schedule after Fresher's


  • Committee meeting should be advertised more in advance
    • Members (not committee members) should be encouraged to go along
    • Minutes should be public
  • SIG leaders be added to committee chats
    • Current chat is for "core" events
    • Recently removed from chat
    • Up to new committee to decide
  • End of year barbecue
    • 25th May (last day of exams)
    • Not allowed to have on Inf Forum roof (without catering)
    • Meadows barbecue
    • Large end-of-year event - old & new committee, along with SIGs
    • What type of barbecue to use?
      • Big ones - are they allowed?
      • Small ones - too small?
    • Rent or buy?
      • Rent from Meadows Share?
  • TechSec
    • Establish subcommittee for managing various different services
    • SIGDev?
  • Fresher's Rep projects
    • Current - CinemAI
      • Two events so far
      • First one was more popular than second
  • CogSciSoc
    • Currently struggling
    • Could they be a SIG?
    • Elena will get in touch
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