Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Present: Kyle Cotton, Lars Thalian Morstad, Dee Yeum, Lorenzo Baldini, Ryan Schuller, Tony Duggan, Gwion ap Rheinallt, Lauren Graham, Rokas Gudavicius, Ryan Schuller, Alan Paul, Athiya Deviyani


  • Meeting with Neil
    • Very productive meeting.
    • Promoting CompSoc on the uni screens. Very doable.
    • CompSoc should try to capitalize on DDI. Edinburgh is becoming the "data capital" in Europe and so CompSoc should try and run data science focused events. The uni is pushing for at least one for-credit data science course in most degrees. This coincides well with adopting scotquan as a sig.
    • There is a possibility that CompSoc and Hoppers can be put in a special position when it comes to events, as in that they specifially are allowed to book certain spaces. This remains to be seen as it's a decision from the school.
  • HTB
    • IF booking policy has changes due to a lot of event request and security concerns. There are a lot of risks associated with the event, and there is a lot that can go wrong.
    • The university is tightening the security policy.
    • There is a possibility that the school could help book another space/ put funding into booking another event. We need to get more details about how much this could be, so we can rule out venues that are too expensive.
    • EICC is very expensive, up to £5k per day.
  • InfBall
    • Neil and the school are very happy with INFball. There was a suggestion that some of the INF staff should be invited and get free tickets.
    • The school could help fund infball, however the details need to be worked out.
    • Balmoral is booked for the 4th of April.
  • Merch
    • CompSoc can get very reasonable prices on hoodies etc through the school suppliers. They can also set up en e-pay page we can use. This solves the peoblem of having to set up our own web shop.
  • LawTech
    • Going well, pretty good turnout on events.
    • Want to reach out to law school
    • Get more people active


  • Get scotQuan constitution source.
  • Joint events with infpals in semester 2
  • Chase up SIGcoin
  • Ask Neil about what the school can do about venues, and get more specifics of funding infball.
  • Flat crawl
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