Kyle Cotton, Lars Thalian Morstad, Dee Yeum, Lorenzo Baldini, Yannik Nelson, Athiya Deviyani, Alan Paul, Alexandra Purcarea, Rokas Gudavicius, Samuel Macleod.
- HTB as usual
- We will be charged out-of-hours price for Gordon Aikman and AT. Even with extra costs we are well in the green.
- Issue with tshirts, sized were collected too late.
- People are let into on an individual basis, not a team basis.
- We need to thick about who runs HTB next year.
- Many problems with the tech side of things.
- Suggestion to have food delivered to desks instead of queuing. Will implement a system to ensure one person gets one meal.
- CompSoc unique challenge!
- InfBall
- Need to pay deposit and for band.
- Budget looks good.
- Might need to cut some of the flashier things, like the chocolate fountain.
- Social events
- Potential for another event with GS. They are willing to sponsor a social.
- Ice Skating
- Pub Crawls /Quizzes
- STMU discussion, mainly about day change
- Wednesdays are sports and societies day, meaning that people might be busy.
- The format of STMUs might need a rework.
- There is only one STMU left, might be good to suggest a different day for the new committee.
- Preparation for AGM
- The comittee is doing to sit down and write up a "How to run CompSoc", which would include admin, sponsors, HtB tech, etc.
- Announce nominations
- Collect manifestos
- Decide voting
- Publish manifestos
- Come up with more things to do for year reps.
- Suggestion: change to what counts as quorate committee.
- EUSA elections
- Samuel is running as eusa president. CompSoc is willing to endorse him.