The merchandise from Optiver has been collected and is to be deposited in the CompSoc cupboard in AT.
A £25 Amazon giftcard was sent to the winners of the recent pub quiz.
Thought Machine:
Considering silver sponsorship
Not sure about HTB
Interested in providing speaker for an upcoming STMU (2020-10-23)
Bloomberg are also considering silver-tier sponsorship
Possibly next Friday? 2020-10-02
Allie needs further details for production of event
We could do an 'Introduction to the SIGs' session at the 2nd STMU, followed by EGM
Ananya w/ bio-computing talk as backup when struggling to find speakers for STMUs
The C++ workshop on Facebook from Optiver needs further promoting, the event is next Wednesday
Proposed constitution changes:
Currently SIG leaders can vote on the creation of new SIGs - if agreed, this should be removed and a definition of what the core committee is (for such situations) could be added
Review EUSA requirements needed
Add Code of Conduct (prompted by incident on Discord, labelled 'bad faith debating')
Modding needed on IRC
Update website RE: membership
School checking via LDAP/cosign -> tech sec
VP needs to post regarding manifestos of candidates
Does Allie's production service accommodate online voting?
Compensation for production of STMU/EGM needs to be discussed
Possible giveaways for members to be further investigated
Need to consider timezone issues when planning events in the future