Alexandra Purcarea, Tudor Finaru, Anabel Yong, Ananya Majumdar, Artemis Livingstone, Ryan Schuller, Elspeth Smith, Patrick Kage (SIGWeb), Daniel Kirkman, Samuel Macleod, Lars Thalian Morstad, Rokas Gudavicius
- Welcome new committee members
- Donations
- Upcoming events
Discussion and Decisions
- New members:
- New treasurer = Anabel Yong
- New 1st year rep = Artemis Livingstone
- Encouraged to read constitution and familiarise with SIG structure.
- Discord needs to be promoted further as it is now being used as primary mode of communication -> put it on the website homepage.
- It is getting difficult to keep track of events => better coordination on the Google calendar is required, and adequate descriptions must be added with event details.
- Calendar Later was discussed? Blocker: Kyle
- RSS feed for calendar to Discord hasn't worked so far, but if it can be made to work the committee is happy to adopt this.
- Secretary: needs to get instagram and twitter accounts back up and running.
- Feedback survey: to be posted (social sec)
- AcFam Adoption Night was a success - attendees are keep for regular events of similar formats
- Budget surplus inciting donation conversation:
- Particular causes we are keen to support include, but are not limited to, computer science promotion and support in primary schools.
- Links for suggested causes were supplied, to be added.
- To decide on who to donate to, a curated poll (similar to that used when Turing Trust was selected) could be used to also engage members
- President has made a Slack thread for committee members to post suggestions of causes in one place
- We could get involved with CodeDojo in more than a purely monetary capacity
- Discussion RE: lump sum donation amount still pending
- All outstanding debts as of this date are currently settled
- Pay received from Optiver and G-Research
- For lump sum donation: suggestion of multiple smaller installments, possibly to different recipients, was suggested and supported. This can then be spaced out to accommodate upcoming costs/financial uncertainty
- Secretary: news on website needs to be updated