Alexandra Purcarea, Tudor Finaru, Daniel Kirkman, Elspeth Smith, Rokas Gudavicius, Patrick Kage (SIGWeb), Ryan Schuller, Samuel Macleod, Lars Thalian Morstad, Ananya Majumdar
Discussion and Decisions
- HTB:
- Need to sort out merchandise
- Opening the floor for judges and mentors
- May need more judges than before because of drastically more cheating problems
- MLH can help with merch distribution, provisional budget?
- List of sponsors, website, and prospectus for sponsors needed
- Provisional date: first weekend of March, 36 hours
- Secretary to help come up with ways for advertising, challenges, artsy challenge was liked
- Donations:
- Decision was made to donate 1,000GBP initial lump sum to Code Your Future
- Secretary to email and create dialogue