Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Present: Alexandra Purcarea, Samuel Macleod, Yuto Takano, Andi Dicu, Ammir Barakat, Patrick Kage, Jorge Sanz (SIGINT), Michael Andrejczuk, Artemis Livingstone, Karthik Narayanan, Paula Sparrow


  • Checking in on handover, in particular email accounts, how to make sense of all the emails we get etc.
  • EUSA annual report
  • Arty mentioned something about BCS
  • Tardis donation pitch
  • Discord mental health channel discussion + bots that might be needed (this might entail some voting)

Discussion and Decisions

  • SIGINT update: everything is going well, other than BCS, which is taking a while to pay and in the meantime, people are waiting for prizes. We decided to float them the money to buy prizes.
  • TODO for Anabel: pay SIGINT 1,800 GBP (contact Jorge Sanz).
  • If people to get control of their emails back, they should share a password rather than ask Yuto to transfer the email account again.
  • Tardis is in need of money in order to upgrade their services. Although not a SIG, many of our members are invested in this project, and it is older than CompSoc. There was a discussion of whether we should help them through reimbursements. We would probably prioritize Tardis over a charity donation. Moreover, we could set up a way of receiving money in their name.
  • QUESTION: Should we allocate (a fenced amount of) 3,000 GBP to be used by Tardis on a case-by-case basis throughout the year? Voted in favor unanimously.
  • Mental Health Channel: Discussion over including said channel as it might be innactive or might be too dark. Was suggested to have access on a role operated channel. Suggestion for it to become a venting channel so as to avoid dark themes, and it should be closely supervised. Instead of channel a workshop was suggested as well as having a professional come in to give a talk.
  • CONSENSUS Against having a mental health channel as it has a potential to spiral into dark themes. Mental health resources will be provided by Ammir and pinned to #serious/#announcements. There was talk of a mental health workshop and talk for next year.
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