Present: Artemis Livingstone, Alexandra Purcarea, Paula Sparrow, Yuto Takano, Callum Leask, Mikey Andrejczuk, Ammir Barakat
- Talk about the EGM+STMU.
- Talk about social events.
Discussion and Decisions
- Although the date is not decided yet, Yuto and Alexandra will work on making a post about electing the first+third year rep, as well as the VP.
- Arty and Paula will talk to several venues about student deals, including Civerinos and pubs.
- We need a venue for coffee socials - we need to find one that is big enough for our members.
- The Brass Monkey could be good for movie nights, as they have a special movie room.
- Alexandra and other committee members will start properly cleaning the cupboard and disposing of the trash themselves.