Present: Artemis Livingstone, Karthik Narayanan, Yuto Takano, Callum Leask, Mikey Andrejczuk, Ammir Barakat, Kim Stonehouse (InfBall)
- Informatics Ball
- WiSTEM workshops
Discussion and Decisions
- Intending to hold Ball in-person at Balmoral (deposit carried over to 2022 - tentatively booked 16th April 2022)
- Discussion about possible change in ticket prices, funding from Informatics?
- Contract with Balmoral CCed on Social Sec email - Kim to find most recent contracts and forward to committee
- Kim to reach out to contact at Balmoral about next steps for Ball organization
- Discussion about possible covid requirements
- Invitations for academic staff (possible nominations, need to do this well in advance)
- Discussion of InfBall subcommitee - find two people interested in helping with organization and send contact details to Kim
- Artemis to liaise with Alex + find out if we can get merch delivered to IF
- Discuss next week with Alexandra