Present: Artemis Livingstone, Karthik Narayanan, Alexandra Purcarea, Yuto Takano, Paula Sparrow, Callum Leask, Ammir Barakat, Ben McConville, Mikey Andrejczuk
- Quick briefing on the STMU.
- Plan Secret Santa within the committee (for Alex).
- Discuss and plan designing and buying CompSoc merch (including but not limited to socks).
- Plan a Christmas-themed event, such as going to the Christmas market as a group, or ice skating.
- Discuss how to elect the new Vice President.
Discussion and Decisions
- TODO for Arty: Make STMU YouTube video public.
- TODO for Alexandra: Ask Rokas if he wants to sign up for the Secret Santa, then get it set up on DrawNames.
- Ideas for CompSoc merch would be rubber duckies, socks, T-shirts etc.
- TODO for Paula: Announce pub crawl as well as a drive for merch (ideas to be proposed in #suggestions). Also, get a hold of the Instagram account <3
- TODO for Paula + others: Set a meeting time and place for the Christmas market walk.
- TODO for Arty: Ask Oscar if they still want to be VP.
- TODO for Arty: Contact Google r.e. STMU.