Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Present: Arty L., Karthik N., Alexandra P., Oscar S., Paula S., Yuto T., Callum L., Ammir B., Ben M., Mikey A., Ashley R., Kim (InfBall)


  • Pt. 0: Hear from InfBall.
  • Pt. 1: Discuss Google DSC collaboration.
  • Pt. 2: Talk about events aimed at first years.
  • Pt. 3: Discuss merch costs.
  • Pt. 4: Get updates from HTB?
  • Pt. 5: Hear about the Trailstone proposal.

Discussion & Decisions

  • TODO0: Raffle proceeds will go to the Turing Trust. Certain members of staff will be invited.
  • TODO0 for Alexandra: Tell Kim how many committee members are interested in InfBall.
  • TODO1 for Alexandra: Ask Eve from DSC to clarify on the collaboration.
  • Pt. 2 ideas: Zoom calls talking about experiences (jump between y1 -> y2, end of year or beginning of next year), small events such as bowling, online or in-person clash of code (website with coding problems)
  • TODO2 for Alexandra: Get AT6 booking for this event and Hash Code.
  • TODO3 for Karthik: Check what sponsorship money is missing.
  • TODO3 for Alexandra: Create a subcommittee with Karthik, Yuto, Callum and Alexandra for merch.
  • Pt. 4 conclusion: The HTB challenge is Most Code-Golfed Hack.
  • TODO5 for Arty: Reply to Trailstone and see what we can get out of them (pub quiz or talk).
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