Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Present: Arty. L, Charlotte. A, Mikey. A, Yuto. T, Ammir. M, Ben. M, Innes. E, Amy. Y, Kshitij. S, Krzysztof. G, Callum. L

  • Financial report:

    • Alex & Karthik handling
    • Yuto sending out HEAR stuff in the next week
    • Alex & Arty working on reregistration
  • Events:

    • Optiver too late, not really worth running another this year
    • Pub night following week
    • Infball week after
    • BBQ/Bake sale for charity soon - Alex & Paula
  • Sponsors:

    • New recruiting manager for Google
    • Contact with slack through qais
    • SIGs contacted for deck blurb. Will also discuss tiers, etc
    • Most Emailing to start after exams (couple weeks into may)
  • Handover:

    • Individual Meetings in next couple weeks
    • Handover to be done by June, in contact longer for executive
    • Will give email address password & share for a bit longer
    • Office bearer training.
    • Hand santander signatures over.
    • Try other events
    • Try planning things far in advance, and offering companies STMU slots.
  • SIGs:

    • TARDIS paid for 6 months, committee's decision if they want to continue.
    • Possible gamedevsig revival.
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