Meeting minutes
Last modified 10/02/2025
This meeting took place at 17:05 on the 3rd of November, lead by president Ben McConville.
Going over HackTheBurgh, Ben was supposed to have a meeting today but she didn't turn up, hoping to hear back soon. October 25th STMU, expenses were £130 for food, £15 for soft drinks, Secretary handover has been complete. Prepare November 13th STMU Talk [name tbd.]. Normal person for STMU isn't there but maybe find someone else who is already contracted with the university. Successful Halloween, get expenses. Pub quiz, should start next few weeks, can just go to Teviot afterwards as we're not expecting many people to stick around. We're looking to get Nerf guns for an event. Meeting with GResearch planned, get new CompSoc flags. Begin research some more hoodie designs.
Meeting with Sainsbury's banks, Google, GResearch and Blackrock. These are for hack the burgh, speaking to Lita from informatics over multiple ways to sponsor CompSoc, through Edinburgh Innovations. Running different hackathons and giving money to the winner to fund different projects, to work more closely with CompSoc, she is offering us the Bay Centre or Inf Forum, bringing Edinburgh Innovations to a CompSoc SIG. Maybe push the health tech society to be a SIG, but they are looking for us to help run a hackathon. Sponsorship money has been fulfilled, around the same amount as the previous President.
Getting Alex to call Santander to update details, trying to get the process sped up.
Use the website always used for Secret Santa to plan out gifts and gift giving.
EUSA Bookings aren't happy at us not using them for any events, as the main venue has always been available.
Event 1: CompSoc watching the fireworks show at Calton Hill on the 5th. Meeting at 7:30 at AT or 8:00 ontop of Calton Hill. Everyone will go to Teviot after.
Event 2: November STMU on the 30th. Give out the last of old
CompSoc merch at STMU. Dylan and Accenture are doing talks at the STMU.
Information unknown currently.
Event 3: CompSoc Christmas Market. Planning for CompSoc to meetup
and travel around this year's Christmas Market.
Sporting events in Semester 2.
Browser/Editor Wars (Week beginning 7th November)
Coding/Gaming Workshops
Hack Week
CV/Interview workshop
Obscure language workshops
Ben adjourns the meeting at 17:54.
Minutes taken by: Maya Copeland