Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

2023/11/08 SIG Meeting

This is the first occurence of fortnightly SIG meetings, separate from Committee meetings. The aim is to discuss issues that affect SIGs, individual SIG problems & event updates, and any updates with budgeting/funding.


  • Committee (Fergus (pres.), Ali (vp.), Sophie (treasurer), Yuto (graphic des.))
  • QuantSIG (Alex, Sachin)
  • CloudSIG (Juin)
  • Tardis Project (Aria)
  • GameDevSig (Krzysztof)
  • Project Share (Vojtech)
  • TypeSig (Amy)
  • SIGINT (Jacob in place of Lorian)

Consolidated TODOs:

  • SIGs to request any additional funds apart from the base 300 (exceptions for TypeSig [500] and SIGINT [1500] for conferences) through Fergus (who will contact Neil)
  • SIGs to put down email addresses in Discord #sigs to view funding spreadsheet that Sophie owns
  • SIGs to draft up and send to Fergus (Discord/email) their target demographics, average attendee numbers, and what kind of things companies can get out of you
  • GameDevSig to draft up an event idea by end of this week for a late-semester that Vincent can advertise in-class.
  • QuantSIG to refresh posters and put them up for more visibility.
  • Fergus to think about the AGM-style event ("Re-freshers event" in January) for SIG showcase. Potentially raise with Committee.
  • Fergus to ask School about use of lockers for SIGs or alternatively making the cupboard more accessible out-of-hours.
  • Ali/Fergus to sort out November and January STMU speakers, for which Tardis (Aria) is available to do a talk.
  • Yuto to distribute CompSoc brand logos in color and monochrome.
  • Yuto to draft up several mini-logo designs and placement on graphics, and optionally send out poll to SIGs if cannot decide.
  • Yuto to create a SIG showcase poster and/or a graphic for the TV screen (likely 16:9).
  • Adam or other interested members to overhaul website and include more things in SIG section, make meeting minutes more visible, update sponsor logos, potentially add event images.


  • Problem: Neil has brought up that it is too many SIGs for him to fund
    • Solution: Fergus will be meeting Neil weekly anyway. Fergus to formalise a "contract" thing for SIGs, so SIGs can request through Fergus and the School can get guarantees that it will be used for the requested SIG only
  • CompSoc Funds:
    • Base funding for SIG doubled from 150 to 300 GBP
    • Exceptions for SIGINT (annual 1500) and TypeSig (500)
  • Additional funds from the school (re: proposal above):
    • Contact Sophie with formalised request just like for society funds
      • Put down any hypothetical fund requests as definites as the paperwork requires this
  • Sophie owns read-only spreadsheet of funds
    • TODO: SIGs to put down email addresses to view spreadsheet

Commercialisation of CompSoc

  • Vision: Selling CompSoc through the School of Informatics. Pursuade companies to purchase the sponsorship package for CompSoc & SIG.
  • SIGs
    • TODO: SIGs to write target demographics
    • TODO: SIGs to write average attendee numbers
    • TODO: SIGs to write what kind of things companies can get out of you
  • Timeframe
    • Anytime from next semester to next academic year
    • SIGs should prepare this academic year already -- making sure your SIG doesn't die (finding committee)

AGM-style event for SIGs

  • Problem: Many SIGs likely will have successor problems (bar TypeSig & Tardis who have an idea).
  • Proposed solution: AGM-style event for SIGs. Students write manifestos, SIGs look over it.
  • Proposed solution: Lots of SIGs this year (likely first time), so maybe a SIG Fair. "Re-freshers event".

Meeting Rooms

  • Payment now required for G.07.
    • TypeSig has had to pay 275 GBP (cheap for venue of that size, but still).
    • HTB & PwnEd likely will be able to pay up -- harder for smaller SIGs


  • Problem: CompSoc logo has to be on SIG graphics. However CompSoc logo color clashes (red vs blue on TypeSig). Logo size is also large and less legibile at small sizes

    • Proposed solution:
      • TODO: Yuto to distribute original logo and monochrome logo
      • TOOD: Yuto to propose several favicon / small logo / heart and get SIGs to poll
      • TODO: Yuto to formalise positions of logo on branding
      • Small logos/graphics should be for just general PR like insta/posters, but for conference posters or sponsorship decks, it should be full CompSoc logo.
        • This is to prevent situations like PwnEd last year where CompSoc logo was nowhere to be seen
  • Problem: SIG visibility and gathering members

    • Proposed Solution: Poster for showcasing SIGs. Use TV in lower ground floor of AT.
    • TODO: Fergus to check how to get access to the TV.
    • Problem: Lots of SIG, likely crowded on a single poster or TV screen.
      • Proposed solution: Link to website or LinkTree.
    • Problem: Website SIG section is barebones and website in general is not very used
      • Proposed solution: Overhaul website
      • TODO: Adam (or other interested members) to rehaul website to make SIGs section contain brief sentences like "we run events every Sunday".
      • TODO: Adam (or other interested members) to increase visibility of meeting minutes
      • TODO: Adam to add company logos to sponsorship section
      • Maybe start adding event photos to the News section?

SIG-specific points


  • Problem: On the verge of death in terms of finding next committee next year & getting consistent attendees
    • Solution: Sell it more as a side hobby instead of a daunting game project (such as game jams like how SIGINT do weekend CTFs, connect with other SIGs/societies to launch collab events)
  • RockStar Games confirmed for 7th of February
  • Problem: Target audience slightly unclear - the interested people seem busy
    • Solution: Target first years
      • TODO: GameDevSig to draft an event proposal (single sentence & date) by 12 November & CompSoc will get Vincent to market during lectures
      • (Perhaps a Haskell GameJam to target first years after the FP competition)


  • Problem: Event attendee decreasing: Second one only approx. 15-16 attendees.
  • Proposed solution: Take down posters and re-design and set them up with different colours for eye-catch.
  • No updates with EUTIC since last time.

Project Share

  • Problem: Can we get lockers in AT for Project Share & other SIGs?
  • Status of those lockers unsure, cupboard could be a viable alternative
    • TODO: Fergus to get School involved to get proper cupboard

Tardis Project

  • Available to do a talk about Tardis infrastructure
  • Likely January STMU


  • First event with Guest speaker around 20 attendees
  • Next one 29 November
CompSoc ❤️ You!