Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Minutes by AI (Whisper and Claude). Tweaked by Vincent.

Meetings notes

Constitutional Amendments:

The committee conducted a thorough review of the proposed changes to the Compsoc constitution, discussing each section in turn:


Proposal: Add Clause - "All matriculated Informatics students are considered default Compsoc members unless they opt out." Discussion:

  • Could significantly boost reported membership
  • Ensures all Informatics students are represented and covered by constitution
  • May require changes to membership tracking and engagement reporting Decision: Clause added

Committee Oversight

Proposal: Add clause allowing executive officers to unilaterally issue warnings to underperforming committee members. Discussion:

  • Concerns over potential for abuse due to vague criteria for "underperformance"
  • Suggestions to require co-signing by another executive or allow appeals process Decision: clause added.

Quorum and Voting


  • Clarify that SIG leaders count towards quorum if present but are not required for quorum.
  • Specify that no individual gets multiple votes even if holding multiple roles. Discussion:
  • Current wording ambiguous on SIG leader impact on quorum
  • Low probability of one person holding enough roles to significantly alter outcomes Decision: only elected committee roles are counted towards quorum, but SIG presidents can still vote.

SIG Assets on Dissolution

Proposal: Add clause specifying SIG assets transfer to Compsoc if SIG dissolves, with allowance for exceptions by committee vote. Discussion:

  • Question of what currently happens to SIG assets and funds if SIG shuts down
  • Some SIGs have valuable assets from independent grants that they don't want seized
  • Acknowledgment that Compsoc technically owns all SIG assets as subgroups of Compsoc
    Decision: Each SIG dissolution should be addressed on a case-by-case basis. By default, SIG assets belong and must be returned to CompSoc, but exceptions may be granted.

Legal Status

Proposal: Remove Clause 1.5.6 prohibiting Compsoc incorporating as an independent legal entity. Discussion: Clause seen as redundant with existing requirements to operate under EUSA oversight.
Decision: Clause removed unanimously.

AGM and EGM Planning:

AGM scheduled for Wednesday, April 3, 6pm, Informatics Forum Room G.03.

  • Some concern raised over potential conflict with SDP Industry Day event same afternoon
  • Consensus that AGM should still have adequate turnout as Industry Day will end by 7pm
  • Agreement to proceed as scheduled and send announcement to members immediately to maximize notice

STMU Talks:

Ali reports difficulty confirming speakers for AGM.

  • Faculty speakers citing exam schedules and end-of-term workload as reason for unavailability
  • Committee suggests broadening search to PhD students, postdocs and alumni in industry


  • Draft AGM announcement emails and send to membership by end of today
  • All committee members to widely advertise openings and encourage candidates to run for election
  • All committee members to suggest potential speakers to Ali ASAP
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