Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Minutes by AI (Whisper and Claude). Tweaked by Ali.


  • Fergus
  • Vincent
  • Ali
  • Akrit
  • Godfrey
  • Elisa
  • Jinxuan
  • Lucas
  • Agam
  • Cat
  • Lewis
  • Arin
  • Yuto (Online)
  • Tomas (Online)

Meeting called to order at 12:15 PM.

1. Collaboration with the School of Informatics

  • The School of Informatics is open to having both alcoholic and non-alcoholic events, recognizing the need for both types of events.
  • CompSoc can support the school by advertising events as CompSoc events with the Informatics logo more prominently.
  • In return, CompSoc socials will be further subsidized by the school, even more than the current situation where the school provides a significant amount of money.
  • This collaboration could lead to Informatics students joining CompSoc, benefiting both the society and the school.

2. Expanding the committee and reaching out to other schools

  • CompSoc currently has around 1,500 official members, with a focus on Informatics students.
  • Vincent suggests targeting STEM students and those from other fields like finance or business, as it could be beneficial for collaborations, projects, or starting businesses together.
  • Concerns were raised about expanding the committee too quickly, as it could lead to difficulties in management and communication.
  • There are suggestions to keep the core committee small and establish connections with other societies through existing committee members or volunteers.
  • The SIG (Special Interest Group) structure allows for small group activities while maintaining a manageable core committee size.
  • Expanding the committee should be done gradually, based on demand and workload, rather than creating roles for the sake of titles or CV boosting.
  • Collaborations with other societies can be achieved through existing committee members, such as the example of the Mathematics society's social secretary also being a year representative for CompSoc.
  • The focus should be on establishing connections and collaborations first, before creating dedicated roles within the committee.

3. Non-alcoholic events and attracting a diverse range of members

  • CompSoc currently attracts two main groups: academically inclined individuals who enjoy technical talks and those who enjoy drinking and socializing.
  • The society should aim to create a middle ground that caters to a wider range of interests among the 1,800 CompSoc members.
  • Pub nights can be intimidating for some members, especially if they don't know anyone or feel pressure to drink alcohol.
  • Incorporating activities like board games, pool, darts, or bowling alongside pub nights could make events more inclusive and less intimidating for new members.
  • Completely non-alcoholic events should also be considered to accommodate members who may not attend events with alcohol due to religious or other reasons.
  • The Christmas market event was a successful example of an event that attracted a diverse group of members.
  • Other event ideas include movie screenings for popular film releases, which could be subsidized by CompSoc and followed by a social activity.
  • The goal is to find a balance of events that appeal to the majority of members, considering factors that attract or deter attendance.
  • A vote or survey on the Discord server and Instagram could help gauge member interests and preferences for events.

4. Revamping Student Tech Meetups (STMUs)

  • STMUs have seen low attendance when there isn't an AGM or EGM, with only about 20 people, including committee members, attending the last non-AGM/EGM STMU.
  • Akrit suggested that the current format of STMUs, with highly academic talks, may not appeal to a broad range of members and can feel like an extension of their university lectures.
  • The goal is to make STMUs more accessible, engaging, and appealing to encourage attendance and participation.
  • The proposed structure includes a more general talk followed by an academic one, catering to different interests and backgrounds.
  • Networking opportunities and sponsor stalls could be incorporated during breaks, but logistics and the value for sponsors should be carefully considered.
  • Concerns were raised about the feasibility of sponsor stalls, as it may be difficult for sponsors to justify the cost and effort of attending for a short duration, especially if they have to compete with other activities like pizza breaks.
  • Improving the streaming setup and investing in a dedicated camera for live streaming and recording events could enhance the professionalism and reach of STMUs.
  • A budget of around £1000 could be allocated for a proper streaming setup, ensuring consistent quality and ease of use.
  • Speakers should be screened to ensure they deliver engaging talks, balancing academic content with accessibility for a broader audience.
  • The inclusion of both academic and general talks is crucial to maintain the interest of those who appreciate the academic content while also catering to a wider audience.
  • Advertising STMUs and other events on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Reels can help attract more attendees and provide insight into the event atmosphere.
  • Collaboration with societies like the Hoppers and Formula Student was discussed to include more people from other fields.
  • The social media officer will be involved to film and promote events on social media platforms.

5. Merchandise and branding

  • The current merchandise, such as hoodies with prominently displayed committee titles (e.g., President, Vice President, Secretary), may be intimidating or unappealing to some members.
  • New merchandise ideas include quarter zips or jumpers with subtle CompSoc branding, such as the logo and the member's name or committee position if applicable.
  • Committee members should have the option to choose between different merchandise styles, such as quarter zips or jumpers, and have their names or positions embroidered.
  • A merchandise store could be set up, offering items made to order, with a system for members to collect their purchases at designated events or times.
  • The logistics of the merchandise store were discussed, with the possibility of having a 15-minute window at weekly events for members to collect their orders.
  • Freshers' Week was identified as an excellent opportunity to sell merchandise and attract new members.
  • Other branding suggestions include designing and purchasing a CompSoc flag, banner, and tablecloth for events, which could be added to the Secretary's responsibilities.
  • The committee discussed the possibility of offering pink quarter zips as a unique branding option, depending on the design and consensus among members.

6. Miscellaneous topics

  • CompSoc should focus on creating content for social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to showcase events, attract new members, and provide insight into the event atmosphere.
  • The social media officer will be responsible for filming events and creating engaging content for various platforms.
  • The annual report and the discord mods voting process need to be addressed and planned, with the Vice President taking the lead on the voting process.
  • A handover of roles and responsibilities should be conducted before the summer break to ensure a smooth transition.
  • The committee discussed the appointment of Discord moderators, with the aim of having three moderators appointed by the committee before opening applications for additional moderators.
  • The Fergus emphasized the importance of committee members setting their Discord notifications to "All messages" for the committee chat to ensure timely responses and avoid delays in decision-making.
  • The committee agreed to schedule additional meetings throughout the summer to plan for Freshers' Week and other upcoming events.

Action Items

  • Fergus to discuss collaboration opportunities with the School of Informatics and relevant individuals.
  • Create a plan for expanding connections with other societies and schools through existing committee members and volunteers.
  • Brainstorm and plan a diverse range of events, including non-alcoholic options, and conduct a vote or survey to gauge member interests.
  • Revamp STMUs to be more engaging and accessible, incorporating a mix of general and academic talks, networking opportunities, and improved streaming setup.
  • Allocate a budget for a dedicated streaming setup and camera for STMUs and other events.
  • Design and order new merchandise, focusing on subtle branding and committee identification, and explore options for a merchandise store.
  • Set up a merchandise store with a system for order collection at events or designated times.
  • Create a content plan for social media platforms to showcase events, attract new members, and provide insight into the event atmosphere.
  • Address the annual report and constitution amendment voting process, with the Vice President taking the lead on the voting process.
  • Conduct a handover of roles and responsibilities before the summer break.
  • Appoint three Discord moderators and set up an application process for additional moderators.
  • Committee members to set their Discord notifications to "All messages" for the committee chat.
  • Schedule additional meetings throughout the summer to plan for Freshers' Week and other upcoming events.

Next Meeting

  • To be scheduled as needed, with a focus on one-on-one meetings for specific tasks and regular meetings throughout the summer for event planning.
CompSoc ❤️ You!