Meeting minutes


Last modified 10/21/2024

Attendees: Vincent, Godfrey, Ali, Agam, Anastasia, Krzysztof, Chives, Lewis, Lucas, Leo, Jacob, Said, Cat, Tomas, Aurora, Ol (proxy), Amy (proxy), Charlotte (proxy), Fergus (proxy).

Agenda 1: Discuss next VP

  • Vincent opens the meeting with greetings.
  • Proposal to hold an election in October for the VP position with an interim VP for the summer. Marton is proposed as interim VP.
  • Ali volunteers to continue VP responsibilities until October.
  • Marton is asked questions about what he would do as VP.
    • Marton’s take on VP role: impartial mediator within the committee, liaison with SIGS.
    • Marton’s conflict resolution approach: keep communication channels open, transparency.
    • Marton suggests online Q&A during STMUs through wooclap.
    • Confirmation of willingness to contact speakers over the summer.
  • Consideration of alternative candidates, but decision to proceed with October election.
  • The committee reaches a quorum as 11/12 of the quorum committee is present, exceeding the 75% necessary.
  • Vote passes for Marton as interim VP with 14/15 voting yes.

Agenda 2: BBQ Plans

  • Discussion on scheduling BBQ, preference for weekend.
  • Proposal for 19th.
  • Consideration of ticketing and logistics, rejection of portobello.
  • Anastasia assigned to manage BBQ, Lewis responsible for poster.
  • Location suggestion: the meadows with disposable grills, inclusion of veggie options.
  • Decision on 19th for BBQ.
  • Agam to set up an instagram poll for interest and dates.
  • Consideration of switching BBQ to a general party for easier setup and management.
  • Ultimately no decisions set in stone and discussion will continue separately.

Agenda 3: Merch

  • Discussion on committee merch, agreement on hoodies with committee positions.
  • Mention of CompSoc flag.
  • Proposal to set up a website for merch orders.
  • Agreement of setting up stand on welcome week and at the first EGM to have sample merch available to order.
  • No explicit agreement from all committee members on the topic. Unofficial vote by raising hands was used.


  • Mention of academic families idea run by Neil and Fiona and conversation regarding details ensues.
  • Proposal to promote CompSoc discord to incoming students using relations with the School of Informatics.
  • Proposal for two co-directors for HTB, committee and non-committee.
  • Proposal to stagger freshers events for better management, i.e. SIGs running events during 2nd and 3rd weeks.
  • Consideration of timing events relative to InfPal tour to maximise attendance as people will be in Appleton anyway.
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