October 2023 STMU/EGM

Published 18 Oct 2023

Hello everyone! Our first STMU of the year and our EGM are here! On Wednesday 25th October at 18:00 to 21:00 we will have the election of two positions and two speakers. As usual, this will be in the Informatics Forum G.07 (the big room on your left as you enter the building).


Manifestos for the two positions are now live! Click here to view them.

Please read on to find out how to add your own, if you are interested.


The positions we’re electing are:

  • 1st year representative,
  • and old person representative (for 5th year (integrated Masters) and postgrad students and non-students).

These people will be responsible for representing their year on the committee, promoting the CompSoc events to their year, and will be responsible for any projects they decide to take up which they believe their year would enjoy. As well as that, they get to help out with any tasks which have been dropped, since we all lead busy lives.

If you are interested in applying for any of the two positions, you need to do two things:

You need to write a manifesto which will convince everyone to vote for you. It must be a maximum of 200 words and in PDF format. Submit them to [email protected] with your full name and the position you’re applying for in the subject (for example, Charlotte Ausel, Social Secretary). Also include this information in the PDF (this will not count to your word count). The deadline to submit a manifesto is 24 hours before the STMU, so the 24th at 18:00.

Although it is possible to run impromptu on the day, submitting a manifesto will typically give you much better chances to win.

You also need to prepare a speech. You will have strictly 1 minute for your speech (typically, executive positions have 2 minutes, but these are not up for election this time). You may get questions asked afterwards.


This time we have two speakers! Each will be 40 to 60 minutes long.

  • Philip Wadler, Unlocking Brilliance. Hamming’s Insights on Research meets Strunk and White’s Wisdom on Writing
  • James K., Delving Into the Absurd. Exploring esolangs and the art of impractical programming.

Finally, we will, as always, have pizza and drinks for you too.

Amendments to the Constitution

We will be voting on an constitutional amendment, which is on our GitHub, see:

CompSoc <3 You!